Ubersuggest Review - Best SEO Tool in the Market?

Reviewing Ubersuggest SEO Tool

Every blogger (from new to established ones) knows Neil Patel's Ubersuggest SEO Tool.

Today I am going to give my Ubersuggest Review and explain why it's one of the best. It's not fully free but the free version is worth enough for one.

I am one of the people who don't recommend a paid keyword to any new blogger, but rather than I explain how to use Google Products for SEO activities such as finding keywords using Google Autocomplete, Google Keyword Planner, and now I recommend some of the best free keyword tools in the market. 

You even don't have to Sign up with them to get some data you want but signing up with them with your Google Account can get you access to more data.

Now let's jump into my review on Neil Patel's Ubersuggest.

My Review on Ubersuggest

Neil Patel's Ubersuggest is one of the best SEO tools in the industry, it has a good and simple design, clean user interface, a quite good Keyword research database, useful link data, and the best feature is its Competitor research tool. Ubersuggest provides a free version with limited data for everyone with a limit of up to 3 daily searches.

Your daily goto SEO tool especially for Beginner Bloggers.

What is Ubersuggest

Ubersuggest is an SEO tool (free&paid) acquired by digital marketer Neil Patel, it helps users to generate thousands of related keywords, long-tail keywords,  to find the monthly average Search Volume, Difficulty, and CPC (Cost per Click) of the keyword you search for. 

It also used for generating Keyword Ideas, Content Ideas, auditing a site, checking backlinks of a website, overview a website, and much more.

Ubersuggest Dashboard

How does Ubersuggest work

Ubersuggest works like most keyword research tools in the market, It aggregates the data from Google Search that provides keywords related to or similar to the users type in. 

It works more like Google Autocomplete where it collects the combination of data with prefixes and suffixes added to your main keyword from Search.

Let's see about my review on Ubersuggest's Features.

Reviewing the Features of Ubersuggest

List of Feature Tools in Ubersuggest
Fig 3

The features provided by the Ubsersuggest make this tool an awesome one. 

All the features can be used without subscribing to this tool.

The key features are

  1. Keyword Analyzer
    1. Keyword Overview
    2. Keyword Ideas
    3. Content Ideas
  2. Competitors Report
    1. Traffic Overview
    2. Keyword by Traffic
    3. Top Pages by Traffic
    4. Competing Domains
  3. SEO Explorer
    1. SEO Analyzer
    2. Backlinks

As you can see from Fig 3, There are 8 features provided by Ubersuggest so far and it keeps updated by Neil Patel. Now let's see about every feature provided by the tool.

1. Keyword Analyzer

Let's see about function, use, and my review of Ubersuggest's Keyword Analyzer tool in detail.

1. Keyword Overview

The keyword overview feature is used to find Search Volume, SEO difficulty, Paid Difficulty, and CPC (Cost per Click) of a keyword you search for. 

It provides the keyword volume graph from which we can get the data of how much that keyword is being searched by users in Google. It shows the data of mobile volume and desktop volume of that keyword.

Fig 4

It also provides the data that how many clicks that keyword brings from SEO results, paid and also no clicks in a visual manner and it also provides us with the age range of users searching that keyword in Google. You can see the details of it from Fig 4.

This is one of the best features for everyone, especially for new bloggers because they can use this tool to analyze a keyword to find the competition and other data before writing it.

2. Keyword Ideas

Keyword Ideas is one of the elite features provided by them, It's one of my favorite features in this amazing tool. 

When you type in a keyword in the search, it provides with you the data like its Volume, CPC, Paid Difficulty, and SEO Difficulty, not only for that tool but it provides thousands of related and long-tail keywords related to the main phrase and its data.

Fig 5

As you can see from Fig 5, it also provides the Google SERP results of every keyword. 

You can see the data for 10 keywords without signing up with them, to get access to those remaining data, signup with them for free only using your Google account.

I use this feature every topic I write because of the competition feature, I can predict whether my writings will beat those top results. 

If the competition is difficult (above 45) then I will visit the top pages and observe their blog posts and try to beat them in the search.

You can also find low competitive keywords using Google SERP but Ubersuggest determines Keyword difficulty with numbers which is quite more helpful.  

It's the best feature according to me, A free tool like this helps every new blogger.  It is a must tool I would recommend for small bloggers like me.

3. Content Ideas

We already have blown up by the Keyword Ideas feature and here comes the "Content Ideas" feature.

Fig 6

Type the keyword in the search box and it shows the articles in the keyword along with Estimated visits it receives, how many Backlinks it got, and how many social media shares on Facebook and Pinterest as shown in Fig 6.

2. Competitor Reports

Let's see about function, use, and my review of Ubersuggest's Competitor Reports tool in detail.

4. Traffic Overview

Traffic Overview is like a keyword overview but it provides you details of the website you search for. 

It provides details like Organic Keywords the website has overall and how much Organic Monthy Traffic it receives, Domain Scores based on several factors of the website by crawling the entire website and the number of Backlinks it has so far. 

Fig 7

It also shows the traffic of that website over the period of time in moths in a graph manner as shown in Fig 7.

Fig 8

It also provides SEO Keyword Ranking data according to each month along with based on the Difficulty level as in Fig 8.

It's mainly used to find details about one's competitor's website. It provides you details for any website on the Internet.  It is a helpful tool to find details about a website. 

5. Keywords by Traffic

Domain Keyword is the same as Keyword Ideas but in this, you will find keywords from the website you enter on the search. 

Fig 9

You don't have to search for every keyword in your niche and all you have to do is find a well-established or rising website in your niche and enter their URL into this search bar. 

It will provide all the details about their keywords along with its ranking in Google SERP, Estimated visits it receives, and SEO difficult of that Keywords your competitors rank for as shown in Fig - 4.6.

With this tool, you don't have to go through your competitor websites and pages to find out what they rank for and how many visits they get from each page. From this tool, you can easily get all the data about your niche competitors. 

If you want to know how to find keywords' competition without keyword tools then

6. Top Pages by Traffic

Top pages will bring you the top pages of a website you search for along with estimated visits that each page received along with Backlinks and social media shares on Facebook and Pinterest. 

Fig 10

It also provides the option to choose results across countries by selecting the country from the given menu as shown in Fig 10

It can be used to find what your competitor is ranking for, you can write under the same category to beat their ranking and you can also see who's all backlinking to their website.

7. Competing Domains

Ubersuggest's Competing Domains feature will help you to find your competitors in your niche with a monthly traffic comparison chart as shown in Fig 11.

Fig 11

It also allows you to find common keywords used by the competitors with yours and along with the estimated traffic and backlinks they received as shown in Fig 12.

Fig 12

In the "Keywords Gap" section, you can find keywords opportunities that your competitors focused on but you're missing out.

Competing Domain feature is a well efficient tool which is very beneficial for the rising bloggers.

3. SEO Explorer

Let's see about function, use, and my review of Ubersuggest's Competitor Reports tool in detail.

7. SEO Analyzer

The SEO Analyzer feature is used to find a website's "On-Page SEO score" which is determined by the ratio of issues found to the number of checks done by the audit tool. 

It will also show the domain overview details along with performing "Health Check" by scanning every page and shows "Critical Errors", "Warnings" and "Recommendations". 

Fig 13

It also tests your website loading speed in both the desktop version and mobile version by mentioning what takes your website time to load, so you can adjust those to optimize your website speed. 

Site Audit provides us "Top SEO issues" on your website along with how Difficult those issues are and how the impact of those on your website SEO is shown in Fig 13.

It is one feature that provides almost all details about a website along with recommendations to optimize a website. 

8. Backlinks

The backlinks feature provides details about how many backlinks a website, how much they got, the amount of NoFollow in it, provides details about referring domains, and Organic traffic from it.

Fig 14

It provides "Backlinks over Time", "New and Lost Backlinks" and "Backlinks" from websites showing with "Link Type" whether it was link tink or image text. It also provides "Anchor Text" in which their link was embedded. 

From which we can find out competitors' backlink providers and if you provide better content than your competitor, you can reach out to them asking them to link to you instead of your competitor. 

Thus Ubersuggest helps to get backlinks in smart ways.

Thus this my guide for 8 awesome features provided in the Ubersuggest tool, which one can use for free.  


It is an option provided by Neil Patel in which you can track your website based on the keywords you provide to the tool after signing up with them using your google account, instructions are shown in Fig - 5.

Fig 15

In the free signup, one can create a project for only one website to track using the Ubsersuggest tool.

Signup with Google 

By Signing up with the Ubersuggest tool using your Google account then you get access to

  • More Keyword Suggestions
  • Daily rank tracking
  • Personalized SEO suggestions

If you want to get much more access to this tool then subscribe to them. 

Ubersuggest Chrome Extension

Neil Patel has launched Ubersuggest Chrome Extension which provides all the SEO data which is one of the best free Chrome extensions for bloggers that provides all major SEO details for a keyword directly on your Google search results.

Fig 16

With the Ubersuggest chrome extension, you don't have to rely on other keyword tools all the time. It provides all the details in your google search about keywords that you're looking for. 

How to use Ubersuggest Chrome extension

When you enter a  term into your google search bar it provides details such as keyword's monthly searches and CPC and to know further details click "View all" near the search box to know details like SEO difficulty, Paid difficulty, Search volume graph over a period of time, Clicks search results, searchers' age range and etc as shown in Fig 17.

Fig 17

It also provides details like suggested keywords and its search volume and keywords' competition by showing SEO difficulty on the right-hand side of search results as shown in Fig 18.

Fig 18

Ubersuggest chrome extension provides backlink details for top 10 google search results under its related keywords section as shown in Fig 19.

Fig 19

Its work doesn't stop there, it takes one step more and provides these details for suggested queries in Google's "searches related to" section as shown in Fig 20.

Fig 20

These are the major features provided by Neil Patel on his amazing tool which is a total SEO tool for bloggers. 

I am using the free version since my blog is in the early stages but once it starts to rise, I may subscribe to his paid version. 

The free version is enough for blogging beginners. 

Ubersuggest Plan and Pricing

They provide three versions, Individual ($12/month), Business ($20/month), Enterprise ($40/month), and also 7 days free trial as shown in Fig 21

Fig 21

You can also choose the lifetime payment method to save your money.

To know fully about their Plan and Pricing then click here

There are several free keywords out there in the market even google provides free Google Keyword Planner, so you have to try out most everything and select your favorite one for daily use. 


It is one of the best free keyword tools in the market along with paid features too. 

It was standing out at the top than most of the other free keyword tools because it provides very good details not only about keywords but also other key features that we saw in the Features subdivision. 

It is not just a keyword tool but much more than that, it's an SEO tool that provides free features even without signing up with them. It is recommended by many SEO experts and bloggers, so now you know how important it is for most small, new, and rising website owners. 

Ubersuggest helps you to write a viral article that helps you to get high rankings in Google if you know Google's most important ranking factors

It is all in One Tool

Every new blogger should at least give it a try. 

That's it, this is my Ubersuggest review

If you want to learn more about Blogging, SEO and YouTube then I suggest you guys check out my following articles.

Stay connected with this website to receive tips about Keyword Research & Blogging.

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Thank you, Have a nice day.

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