10 [Best] Book for Bloggers (with Comparison Table)

Best Books for Bloggers

Books are the best thing that man created to pass their knowledge to others. So to help my blogging bookworms I made a list of Best Books for Bloggers.

Technology will always come and go but books always stay among our people across generations. 

I read some best blogging books which helped me to understand the basics of blogging & SEO and I wanted to make a blog post about the best Books for Bloggers to help out bloggers like me especially new to the industry.

The power of books on a person is immeasurable, books change lives (it changed mine).

10 Best Books for Bloggers

1. One Hour Content Plan

Screenshot of Book Cover

One Hour Content Plan book is written by Meera Kothand, This book helps you in your brainstorming process and assists you to unlock dozens of content ideas on your niche with ease, it will help you to make one year's worth of traffic building and sales-boosting content ideas in 60 minutes or less.  

About the Book :

Bloggers know (especially blogger beginners) how it's hard to get content ideas for their website quickly.

This book teaches you three core ways to Instantly generate content ideas, teaches you 5 types of contents to make your subscribers buy your products, turn them into regular customers, helps you making your brand voice in your industry, and helps you create content (blog posts) which will Hook more readers.

Get the "One Hour Content Plan" book on Amazon.

2. WordPress for Beginners 2020

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WordPress for Beginners 2020 is written by Dr. Andy Williams, this book is a master guide for WordPress with a step-by-step visual approach. 

How cool is that,  you have to understand WordPress and should learn to utilize it for your business. 

This book helps you with that, the author updates it every year so you can stay updated about it. 

Even I am planning to move to a self-hosted WordPress website because it allows people to have more control and can be used as a Business. 

About the Book :

"WordPress for Beginners 2020" books teaches important topics like
  • About WordPress, its types, Installing WordPress, setting up your account, and dashboard.
  • Plugins, updating WordPress, themes, and plugins.
  • Enabling RSS feed to help search engines to find your content
  • Different between posts and pages, and when to use them
  • Effective use of category and tags
  • Creating content that attracts users
  • Publishing and schedule post for future
  • Edit your post before publishing
and etc.

Get the "WordPress for Beginners 2020" book on Amazon.

3. How to Blog for Profit: Without Selling your Soul

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"How To Blog For Profit: Without Selling Your Soul" is written by Ruth Soukup,  this book offers solid advice and practical action plans for creating an authentic, successful, and profitable blog.

About the Book :

In this book,  Ruth Soukup shares how she grew her own blog, Living Well Spending Less, to over one million monthly visitors, earns a full-time income, and still is able to write about the things she truly cares about.

The book will help you to :
  • Learn to leverage your own unique Blog.
  • Learn to write amazing content.
  • Understand how to increase your blog traffic.
  • Develop a social media strategy for capturing an audience base.
  • Diversify your income streams and boost your revenue.
  • Improve your productivity to build content good and quicker.

and much more.

Get the "How to Blog for Profit: Without selling your Soul" book on Amazon.

4. The Essential Habits Of 6-Figure Bloggers

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"The Essential Habits Of 6-Figure Bloggers: Secrets of 17 Successful Bloggers You Can Use to Build a Six-Figure Online Business" book is written by Sally Miller, for this book she interviewed 17 top bloggers across various niches. 

She examined their business strategies. Looked for common themes. Researched their backgrounds, habits, and characteristics.

And provides the key habits practiced by the top bloggers that resulted in their career success.

About the Book :

Through the Interview, the author found that most of the bloggers share a common trait, and in this book she layout 3 essential habits of 6-figure bloggers that you can use to improve not only blogging but also your life. 

By practicing those habits you can achieve any goals in your life like losing weight, paying off your debt, run a marathon, and etc. 

This book helps you in 
  • Picking up the right and profitable niche
  • Make money from it from 6 monetizing strategies
  • Making a system to keep yourself on track
and makes you dream big and achieve it.

5. Everybody Writes: Your Go-To Guide to Creating Ridiculously Good Content

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"Everybody Writes: Your Go-To Guide to Creating Ridiculously Good Content" book is written by Ann Handley, this book is a guide for writing a top-notch content and make us an amazing writer in this content driving online world.

About the Book :

In this book, Ann Handley gives expert guidance and insight into the process and strategy of content creation, production, and publishing, with actionable how-to advice designed to get results.

These lessons and rules apply across all of your online assets like web pages, the home page, landing pages, blogs, email, marketing offers, and on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and other social media.

She also shares
  • How to write better
  • Better usage of Grammar
  • Content Tools

Get the "Everybody Writes" book on Amazon.

 6. Trust me I'm Lying

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"Trust me I'm Lying" book is written by Ryan Holiday, in this book he exposes the current online journaling system (blogs), how the blogs drive the media agenda, how media works and explained in detail how blog matters, how they drive traffic. how they can be manipulated. 

He also shows what happens when this is done, how they backfire, and the consequence of the current media system.

About the Book :

In this Internet World where most news presenting to you is gone through filtration and alteration.

We are constantly feeding by Fake news, how media plays a biased role in delivering what's happening around us, especially in politics. 

Most times we judge a candidate from what we hear about them in the news, so Ryan decided to expose some secrets of media and how they do it in this book. 

This book helps you to understand some unknown reality about Blogging and provides a different angle to writing blogs. 

Get the "Trust me I'm Lying" book on Amazon. 

7. Blog Inc

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"Blog Inc" book was written by  Joy Deangdeelert Cho, this book will fine-tune what the next generation of bloggers shares with the world. 

About the Book :

This book offers expert advice on starting and growing a blog, from design and finance to overcoming blogger's block, attracting readers, and more with interviews from experts in the industry. 

This book also teaches setting up your blog as a business with a business plan and advertising.

It covers the basics of blogging which is good for beginners. 

Get the "Blog Inc" book on Amazon. 

8. How To Make Money Blogging: How I Replaced My Day Job With My Blog

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"How to Make Money Blogging" book was written by Bob Lotich, this book is for new blogging beginners and who do blogging but aren't making enough money as much they like to.

About the Book :

This book covers 
  • how to start a blog under 10 minutes in 4 easy steps 
  • how to self host a blog, blogging basics
  • the importance of website design and theme
  • bringing traffic to your website,
  • SEO tips for ranking top in Google and in other search engines
  • Monetizing your website
  • converting traffic into money
  • Increasing revenue of your blog
  • 10 helpful tools to help you to make the above all happen

Get the "How To Make Money Blogging" book on Amazon. 

9. One Million Followers: How I Built a Massive Social Following in 30 Days

Screenshot of Book Cover

"One Million Followers" book is written by Brendan Kane, in this book he teaches how to build an authentic, dedicated, and diverse online following from scratch.

You may think why I (blogger) should read this book because it helps you to stand out from the crowd of millions of normal bloggers in the world with a massive following. 

Not only your blog helps you to reach success, but you also need a massive following to become famous and be an evergreen blogger.

About the Book :

This book helps you get a massive audience by making yourself producing a valuable and engaging piece of content and build a multi-media brand throughout the platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, Snapchat, and etc.

Featuring in-depth interviews with celebrities, influencers, and market experts including Chris Barton (co-founder and board director of Shazam), Ray Chan (CEO and co-founder of 9GAG), and many others to widen your perspectives of branding and building an online audience.

Get the "One Million Followers" book on Amazon. 

10. Content Inc.: How Entrepreneurs Use Content to Build Massive Audiences and Create Radically Successful Businesses

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Content Inc book was written by Joe Pulizzi, through this book the author reveals a new model for entrepreneurial success. 

It's all about developing valuable content, building a loyal audience around the content, and then creating a relevant product for that audience. 

About the Book :

In this book, he breaks down the business startup process into six steps,

  • The “Sweet Spot”: Helps you to find your passion and what you're good at to make money from it.
  • Content Tilting: Analysing your sweet spot to find a place where there is low competition. 
  • Building the Base: Establishing a brand and audience around your core base in any platform line blogging, podcasting, youtube, social media marketing, and etc.
  • Harvesting Audience: Using social media and SEO to convert one-time visitors into long-term subscribers.
  • Diversification: Growing your business by expanding into multiple delivery channels
  • Monetization: Now when expertise is established, make a product, and sell it to your audience and earn from it for a very long time.

Get the "Content Inc." book on Amazon. 

Books mentioned in this list mostly are related to blogging while some help you to be better at writing, making it a daily habit, and teaches concepts and strategies. 

In this list, there are books written by bloggers and marketers which is like a helpful tool to expand our knowledge on the Blogging world.

If you are more interested in Podcasts than reading books then I recommend you to,

Best Books for Bloggers Comparison Table

Best Books for Bloggers



Available Formats in Amazon

Get it on Amazon

One Hour Content Plan

Meera Kothand

Amazon - 4.7/5
Good Reads - 4.15/5

Kindle Edition
Paper Back

One Hour Content Plan

WordPress for Beginners

Dr. Andy Williams

Amazon - 4.5/5
Good Reads - 4.6/5

Kindle Edition
Paper Back

WordPress for Beginners

How to Blog for Profit

Ruth Soukup

Amazon - 4.6/5
Good Reads - 4.09/5

Kindle Edition
Paper Back

How to Blog for Profit

The Essential Habits of 6-Figure Bloggers

Sally Miller

Amazon - 4.7/5
Good Reads - 4.03/5

Kindle Edition
Paper Back

The Essential Habits of 6-Figure Bloggers

Everybody Writes

Ann Handley

Amazon - 4.5/5
Good Reads - 4.05/5

Kindle Edition

Everybody Writes

Trust me I'm Lying

Ryan Holiday

Amazon - 4.3/5
Good Reads - 3.9/5

Kindle Edition
Paper Back
Audio Book

Trust me I'm Lying

Blog Inc

Joy Cho

Amazon - 4.2/5
Good Reads - 3.66/5

Kindle Edition
Paper Back
Audio Book

Blog Inc

How to Make Money Blogging

Bob Lotich

Amazon - 4.2/5
Good Reads - 3.60/5

Kindle Edition
Paper Back

How to Make Money Blogging

One Million Followers

Brendan Kane

Amazon - 4.3/5
Good Reads - 3.53/5

Kindle Edition

One Million Followers

Content Inc.

Joe Pulizzi

Amazon - 4.6/5
Good Reads - 3.98/5

Kindle Edition

Content Inc.

Why Bloggers should read Blogging Books 

Blogging is never-ending learning, we have to constantly update ourselves to the trend and SEO, we have to be constantly updated about it. 

There are several ways to cover any subject in blogging like reading articles online, watching YouTube videos, Online courses, Information Products, Webinars and etc. But Blogging Books will help us to understand the subject in greater depth.

The best blogging books cover the subject in more depth (which some information products can't do), more approachable, and provides great value to the readers at low cost or for free. 

Books written by bloggers who are well established helps new bloggers to avoid mistakes which the authors faced in their early blogging stages and provides them several blogging tips and tricks to get higher rankings in Google, getting an audience, developing an e-mail list, monetizing their website, and etc.

So I made this list of books that every blogger should read.


Thus these are some best books to read for Bloggers. 

Learning is a never-ending process in everyone's life, books help us to learn from history and also gives a clear idea on how to build up for the future. 

Even though the Blogging industry keeps evolving and SEO is updating, the core value of blogging never changes which is "Best Quality Content Rules SEO". 

For that, you have to understand users' intent behind the query and to provide the best result for it.

Reading books from experienced bloggers can give us an easier way to do that and we can also understand what they did to get there and how to do that. 

The books in this list not help you to create high-quality content but also helps to promote it, branding, social media marketing, and SEO. 

These books only help you expand your knowledge but to get success you need to take action. 

If you want to learn more about Blogging and SEO then I suggest you guys check out my following articles.

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