12 [Most Helpful] Podcasts for Bloggers (with Comparison Table)

Podcast for Bloggers

Podcasts are one of the best things (along with YouTube) where I learn about Blogging, Business, and get Motivation daily.

Listening to podcasts becomes a part of my daily habits, I listen to them in the morning, while having breakfast, and even before going to sleep.

So I made this blog post "Podcast for Bloggers" to help new and developing bloggers like me to get daily tips and updates about Blogging and SEO.

To help you guys out on finding very good podcasts for blogging, I made a list of the best blogging podcasts.

 Best Podcasts for Bloggers

The list I made contains both podcasts which are mainly focused on Blogging and podcasts which cover business, blogging, side hustle, and entrepreneurs. 

So far the readers' convenience I made two categories which are "Focused on Blogging" and "More than Blogging".

So first let's see the "Focused on Blogging" category.

Focused on Blogging

1. ProBlogger Podcast: Blog Tips to Help you Make Money Blogging

ProBlogger Podcast is one of the best helpful podcasts for Bloggers of any stage whether you're in a beginning stage or who had a blog that receives less or no traffic or who receives traffic but not getting your potential income out of it.

About ProBlogger :

Darren Rose is the one who's running this [awesome] podcast, he is one of the OG in the Blogging Industry. 

He has been blogging since 2002 and making a full-time income out of it for more than a decade. His website Digital Photography School receives 1 Million visitors every month and he's running another website ProBlogger which helps people to make money online from Blogging [like mine].

Why should listen to "ProBlogger Podcast" :

Dareen Rose's ProBlogger weekly podcast is like a Gold Mine for Bloggers [like you and me] where he helps with starting a blog, content writing, keyword research, promoting your work, Monetization, Case Studies and etc.

Listen to "ProBlogger Podcast

2. The Blog Millionaire

The Blog Millionaire a successful podcast that teaches you the blogging secrets, tips, and strategies that pro bloggers use on their websites to grow their traffic and to monetize their websites.

About "The Blog Millionaire" :

Brandon Gaille is the one who runs this podcast, he has built a blog that receives 1 Million visitors over a month after just 2 years he publishes his first blog post on his website BrandonGaille.com.

He had a very rare and very serious health condition and his wife also survived Stage 3 Cancer while she was pregnant with their first son and his medical bill was over half a million dollars but he managed to clear most of his problems and made this empire.

Read Brandon Gaille's story, it will inspire you as it did to me.

Now he's been guiding others to reach success in their blogging career using the methods he's used and that he's learning. 

Why should listen to "The Blog Millionaire" podcast :

The Blog Millionaire Podcast is a guide for bloggers to become masters of blogging. helps to understand SEO to get organic traffic from ranking, social media marketing, content writing, e-mail list building, and much to build their own blogging empire.

Listen to "The Blog Millionaire" Podcast

3. The Market your Message Show

Market your Message podcast which focuses on helping other bloggers to unlock their full potential by removing their obstacles and help them to achieve success in blogging.

About "Market your Message" Podcast :

Market your Message podcast was founded by Jonathan Milligan in early 2011 and his mission is to help at least 1000 bloggers to go full time within the next 5 years.

His Personal statement - 2009 is

"My purpose is to use my creativity and coaching to support and inspire others to reach their full potential for the glory of God"

He's been blogging since 2008 when he first heard about it and he liked the idea of having a voice online that others could stumble on to.

He wanted to share that knowledge with people so he created the podcast and the website to help other bloggers.

Why should listen to the "Market your Message" Podcast :

Blogging your podcast covers topics like getting traffic to your website, Creating quality content, SEO, Monetizing websites, Help Guides, contestants, time management, and etc.

It is one of the best podcasts for new bloggers, where they can learn about what's they're going to face and what they should do and don't in their journey to achieve success. 

Listen to the "Market your Message" podcast.

4. "The Do you even Blog Podcast"

"Do you even blog" podcast is really focused on interviewing Top bloggers and Digital marketers to help new bloggers to launch their website and helps part-time bloggers to go full time with earnings from it.

About "The Do you even Blog Podcast" :

Pete Mcpherson is the one behind this podcast, he's been blogging and podcasting since 2010.

After many years in the blogging industry, he's decided to help bloggers (especially new bloggers) by creating this podcast and the website "Do you Even Blog" on June 1, 2017.

Since then he interviewed multiple top bloggers, famous SEOs, Digital Marketers, and even he interviewed "Matthew Charles Mullenweg", the Founder of WordPress.

The Mission of "Do you Even Blog" is 

We want to help you make more money via the internet to craft the life you want.

Why should listen to "The Do you even Blog Podcast" :

The podcast focus on providing valuable information to the bloggers by interviewing the top bloggers around the world for more than an hour. 

The key takeaways at the end of each episode give quick key points from the whole episode.

Interviewing with established bloggers gives new bloggers a new angle about Blogging and teaches them some valuable precaution that they have to take to prevent some mistakes.

5. Marketing School - Digital Marketing and Online Marketing Tips

Marketing School Podcast provides blogging and digital marketing lessons and tips to you that they have learned through the years in the industry.

About Marketing School :

Marketing School podcast is running by Neil Patel, a Digital Marketing expert (The Wall Street Journal calls him a Top Influencer on the Web), and Eric Ziu, also a Digital Marketing expert (CEO of Single Grain Digital Marketing Agency). 

The podcast has more than 1400 episodes with over 35 Million downloads.

Why should listen to the "Marketing School" podcast :

Marketing School teaches Content marketing, the latest SEO, Social Media Marketing, E-mail marketing, Keyword research, Conversion, online marketing techniques, and etc to all irrespective of the size of their website or business.

6. Search off the Record

Search off the Record is the recently launches podcast by Google to present a variety of topics about Google Search.

From the name itself, we can understand that they will not be talking about anything official about Google Algorithm or any of its secrets.

About "Search off the Record" :

Google's John Mueller (Search Relations Lead), Martin Splitt (Developer Advocate), and Garry Illyes (Search Advocate) are the hosts of this podcast.

From the podcast, we can get to take a peek behind the scenes of Google Search and its inner workings with the members of Google's Search Relations team.

Why should listen to the "Search off the Record" podcast :

From the podcast, we can get background info on the decision-making behind launches, feature prioritization in Search Console, and the projects Google Search teams are working on. 

John Mueller introduces "Search Off the Record" in the trailer by the following :

"This is a new podcast series that we’re trying out to try to give some behind the scenes insights into what goes on at Google when it comes to search and the communications around search.

Our goal is not to be another source of documentation, but rather to just give some background information on [what’s on our minds.]”

Listen to the "Search off the Record" podcast

7. The Side Hustle Show: The Blogging Mixtape

"The Side Hustle Show:  The Blogging Mixtape" is a series of episodes all about blogging pulled from the main Side Hustle Show archives, featuring some of the most successful bloggers in the business.

About the "The Side Hustle Show: The Blogging Mixtape" :

Nick Loper is the one who's running the "The Side Hustle Show" podcast where he covers all aspects of starting a business and making money (online and offline), including small business marketing, sales, social media marketing, blogging, and more.

And he made this separate podcast just for blogging where he only uploads episodes related to blogging.

Why should listen to "The Side Hustle Show: The Blogging Mixtape" podcast :

In the podcast, he interviews top and successful bloggers to help new bloggers on how to create content that readers and search engines love, how to grow their traffic, audience, and email list, and ultimately how the successful bloggers make money.

8. The Blogger Genius

The Blogger Genius podcast teaches how other successful bloggers and online entrepreneurs grew their business, what's working for them now, and how you can use their tips and lessons to grow your online business.

About "The Blogger Genius" :

Jillian Tohber Leslie is the host of this podcast and the founder of MiloTree and the CatchMyParty.

Her passion is "Helping Female Entrepreneurs dream big".

Why should listen to "The Blogger Genius" Podcast :

Jillian Leslie in her podcast breaks down essential strategies of successful bloggers and online marketers to help new bloggers to use them to grow their business. 

There are takeaways for you at each and every episode which will enhance your knowledge in Blogging. 

Listen to "The Blogger Genius" Podcast 

These are some great podcasts for bloggers that are actively focusing on blogging. 

Now let's see about top podcasts that cover Business, Entrepreneurship, Finance, and Blogging.

More than Blogging

9. The Smart Passive Income Online Business and Blogging Podcast

The Smart Passive Income podcast helps you to create multiple passive income streams that work for you so that you can have the time and freedom to do what you love.

About "Smart Passive Income" podcast :

Pat Flynn is the who started and primary host of this podcast.

Since 2008, he's been supporting his family in many of his online businesses, and he's been openly sharing his success, failures, and all the lessons in between with the community of energetic but humble entrepreneurs who follow him.

Why should listen to the "Smart Passive Income" Podcast :

In the podcast, Pat Flynn reveals all of his online business and blogging strategies, income sources, and killer marketing tips and tricks to help people to get success in their blog or Online Business.

The Mission of "Smart Passive Income" is

To elevate entrepreneurs to within reach of their dreams

From the podcast, you can learn about building authority online, email marketing, content marketing, podcasting, SEO, niche sites, social media strategies, and etc.

Listen to "Smart Passive Income" Podcast

10. AskPat 2.0: A Weekly Coaching Call on Online Business, Blogging, Marketing, and Lifestyle Design

AskPat 2.0 is also run by Patt Flynn (who runs the "SPI" podcast), this is his second podcast where he goes live five days a week, Monday to Friday. 

About AskPat 2.0 :

AskPat 2.0 is made to answer SPI learners burning questions.

In each episode, he answers new questions from listeners about Blogging and Online Business. These episodes are shorter from 8 to 12 minutes which are quicker and targeted than SPI.

Why should listen to the "AskPat 2.0" podcast :

Pat Flynn invites listeners to record their questions on his website then he chooses any one of the questions and shares his answer for that. 

One of the best Interactive podcast where you can get answers to your Business related questions.

All you have to do is apply for his Coaching call and if you're selected, you'll be asked series of questions about your business and you will be given the opportunity to make a 30-second audio pitch for your question.

Listen to "AksPat 2.0" Podcast 

11. Online Marketing Made Easy with Amy Porterfield

"Online Marketing made easy" podcast is filled with mini-marketing classes, step-by-step guides, and strategies to help you take action on your online business. 

About "Online Marketing made easy with Amy Porterfield" :

Amy Porterfield is the host of this podcast, she was working in a corporate field and she left that to build her own business. 

After several ups and downs, now she has multiple 7-figure revenues, 250,000+ subscribers, ranked in top business podcasts, and published one of the best selling online courses. 

Why should listen to the "Online Marketing Made Easy" podcast :

Amy's podcast is made to help in understanding SEO, social media, to help entrepreneurs, and to build their online business. 

Her podcast also helps you to help in creating online courses, Webinars, utilizing Facebook ads well, 

Her actionable advice encourages the listeners to take on blogging in a step-by-step format and helps them to achieve their goals.

She also provides blueprints, E-Books, Cheatsheets to help you to expand your knowledge on different subjects. 

12. The $100 MBA

The $100 MBA Show podcast helps you to get better at business with their practical business lessons for the real world

About "The $100 MBA" :

Omar Zenhom is the host of this award-winning podcast (iTunes Best of 2014 podcast), he has 14 years of experience in business building and worked as a university manager for 13 years. 

In the podcast, he shares some of the best lessons, concepts, examples, and insights from "The $100 MBA" training and community.

Why should listen to "The $100 MBA" podcast :

In the podcast, Omar calls some of the industry's top experts as guests and help you to understand the industry and share what lessons they learned in their journey. 

The episodes are 13 mins long on average thus it is easier for busy people to get to answer straight away.

Listen to "The $100 MBA" Podcast 


Top Blogger Podcasts Comparison Table

Podcasts for Bloggers


Podcasting Since

Apple Podcast Ratings

Avg time per episode

Listen to Podcast

ProBlogger Podcast




18 Mins


The Blog Millionaire




12 Mins

Blogging your Passion

Market your Message




15 Mins

Market your Message

Do you even Blog Podcast




45 Mins

Do you Even Blog

Marketing School




7 Mins

Marketing School

Search off the Record




26 Mins

Search off the Record

The Side Hustle Show: The Blogging Mixtape




35 - 40 Mins

SHS - Blogging Mixtape

The Blogger Genius




45 - 50 Mins

The Blogger Genius

The Smart Passive Income Online Business and Blogging Podcast

Business + Blogging



40 - 45 Mins


AskPat 2.0

Business + Blogging



25 Mins

AskPat 2.0

Online Marketing Made Easy with Amy Porterfield

Business + Blogging



45 - 50 Mins


The $100 MBA

Business + Blogging



15 Mins

The $100 MBA

Why Bloggers should listen to Podcasts

I have been blogging for more than a year and into SEO blogging for almost 6 months, in this journey, I learned more from Podcasts then from reading articles about blogging online.

Listening to podcasts helped me in Keyword Research, SEO optimization, writing the best quality content, understanding Google ranking factors, to realize the power of using YouTube videos in blog posts and etc.

People listening to podcasts have been rising over the years.

According to the most recent information from "The Infinite Dial" from Eddison Research and Triton Digital that 37% of Americans listen to podcasts monthly in 2020 (which was 32% in 2019, 26% in 2017, and 24% in 2017).

Listening to podcasts from established bloggers and digital marketers will provide so much knowledge than you learn on your own.

If you're a blogger whether a new blogger or the one who is kinda in the middle with low SEO knowledge then you should listen to one podcast daily, they provide you the knowledge from their experience which helps you to avoid the obstacles which you will be facing while in your early blogging journey.


First thanks for reading all the way down here.

These top podcasts show will helps you to achieve your goals in both blogging and in your online business. 

Podcasts are passive learning and at the same time in order to see its results you have to take action on your website. 

My suggestion is to try listening to most of the podcasts and find your teacher one at a time and implement what you learn from them

This will help you to extract the knowledge juice from them and help you understand more about their method because everyone has their own method of reaching heights in blogging. 

There are two other podcasts out there that are worth mentioning because they produced excellent contents before they stopped podcasting, which are

1. Income School Podcast (My Favourite YouTube Blogging Experts)

Apart from knowledge, the most important thing you need is Persistence.

If you want to learn more about Blogging and SEO then I suggest you guys check out my following articles.

Stay connected with this website to receive tips about YouTube.

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Thank you, Have a nice day.

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