Find Keywords' Competition using Google SERP [Low & High Competitive]

To find low competitive keywords using Google SERP: 1. Answers from Forum sites. 2. Articles which aren't relevant to the query......Read More

Mostly every Niche blogger research the competition of the keyword that they want to write about especially the new bloggers. 

It is because when you start a new website and writes about High competitive keywords, Google's going to take the results from more established, authoritative websites on that topic. So we all know how keyword competition is important at least once in our blogging career.

For the Keyword competition analyze the process, mostly everyone will go a keyword tool for that. Even some pay for a tool to do that work. So today I am going to explain how to do it without a keyword tool only using Google SERP results.

If you want to know, "How to find low competition keywords" then read till the end of this article. Before that learn to find keywords from Google itself without any keywords. If you don't know how to do those methods then

What is Google SERP

Google SERP is the acronym of Google's Search Engine Results Page which is the results are displayed in pages for a query when it is searched by the people in Google.

Now you know what's Google SERP, so we move on to learn how to find keyword competition in Google. You know that there are both high competitive keywords and low competitive keywords, so I am going to explain how to find both from simple Google SERP.

Find High Competetive Keywords in Google SERP

When you search for a term on Google, it always tries to bring the Most Relevant answer to that question from a High Authoritative website if that keyword is very competitive and many of the people wrote about that. 

Google prefers the relevant answer from the high-authoritative website than from a newly created website.

Even if a new blogger wrote the most relevant and correct answer to a high competitive keyword, google still gonna display the answer from high authoritative websites because of the trust factor. 

It will take at least 6 - 9  months old website to get ranking on the 1st page of Google SERP to a high competitive keyword he/she wrote. 

So using this factor we can easily find the competition of a keyword. 

  1. Search the main keyword that you want in the Google Search box.
  2. Look for any answers from the high authoritative websites in your topic. The High-Authoritative websites mean that websites that have been well established and which have been around a very long time. 
  3. If you find answers from many big websites then that keyword is highly competitive.

For example, when I searched for "Lower Back Pain" in Google, it shows me the answers from "WebMD", "HealthLine", "Spine Health", "MedicineNet" and etc as shown in Fig - 2.1

These websites are highly authoritative and especially WebMD. These websites are operating for a very long time and gained the massive trust and high traffic. 

I searched for "Lower Back Pain" in Google, it shows me the answers from "WebMD", "HealthLine", "Spine Health", "MedicineNet" and etc
Fig - 2.1

When I started a new website and writes an article about "Lower Back Pain", I can't compete with them at the early stage even when my content is more helpful. 

But after making myself well established over a year and wrote more helpful articles than these websites then I may have a very good shot in outranking them for high competitive keywords. 

So this is the method to find high competitive keywords using Google SERPs.

Now let's learn how to find low competition keywords from it.

Find Low Competitive Keywords in Google SERP

One can determine that a keyword has low competition from Google SERP using several factors.

There are signs from which we can determine that query has low competition.

The signs are,

1. Results from Forum sites on 1st Page

When you see answers for your query from forum sites like Quora, Yahoo and etc, it indicates that the keyword you searched for is low competitive. 

Because answers given by users on those sites represent low authoritative and not that trustworthy. It takes answers from those sites only when Google finds that keyword if low competitive and more relevant from other non-established websites. 

Example 1: When I searched for "Adsense CPC rates India" in Google, it chooses to show answers from Quora on snippets as shown in Fig - 3.1, which indicates that this query is not answeres by most established answers.

I searched for "Adsense CPC rates India" in Google, it chooses to show answers from Quora on snippets
Fig - 3.1

Example 2: When I searched for "How to delete Adsense account", it shows snippets from some website but answers from Quora is shown on the 1st page of Google SERP to my query as shown in Fig - 3.2, which is also an indication of low competition of that keyword.

I searched for "How to delete Adsense account", it shows snippets from some website but answers from Quora is shown on the 1st page of Google SERP to my query
Fig - 3.2

2. Not exactly relevant to the Query

So when you searched for a question or query but didn't answer that your question or the answer is not relevant to your question means that people aren't given the relevant answer to that query. 

It also means that the keyword is not that competitive. 

3. Very short answered Articles

If the articles with low word count or word count below 1000 are shown at the top of the search then it's a sign of low competition. 

You can beat those articles and get the top of the SERP if you wrote most relevant to the query than those articles with more depth. 

4. Old or Outdated Articles

If you find articles that are very or which are outdated and their answers can't be used in these times then you should understand that competition to your query is low. 

If you write answers which are more suitable and updated then you can get the top spot at ease. 

5. Sites which aren't High Authoritative

When you searched for a query and you get to find that top articles aren't from high authoritative websites in your field then you can take that keyword is no that highly competitive. 

You have to write in-depth with high-quality resources to beat them. 

It may not highly competitive but it may higher than those you find answers from forum threads. 

 So these are the methods to find low competitive keywords using only Google SERPs.

If you want to know what's one of the best keyword tool or SEO tool then it's Ubersuggest, to know more about this then

Read: Ubersuggest - Best Keyword Tool: Review & Guide

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