How to Write Viral Blog posts (everytime) : CUSS Method

To write a Viral Blog post, follow the CUSS method, C - Catchy Title U - Unique Ideas S - ..... Read more.

Everyone wants to make their article or blog post go viral but only some do the preparations for that. 

First, you have to find what kind of content goes viral and decode the strategy that the writer used to make it go viral. 

So, find trending topics and learn from them how to make your content go viral.

How to Write Viral Blog Posts

CUSS Method is a writing method that helps you to cover all the essential things that you need to make a Perfect Blog post content that goes viral on the internet.

So let's jump into a brief explanation of the "Writing Viral Blog posts" using the CUSS Method.

1. Catchy Title

No matter how good your article is without a Good title it may fail to attract the readers to click into your page. Try to make it catchy enough to attract everyone.

C in the CUSS method stands for A Catchy Title.

No matter how good your blog post is without a Good title, it may fail to attract the readers to click on your page. Try to make it catchy enough to attract everyone.

There will be several hundred blog posts on the same topic yours, many may not work and people may be fed up with that, so you have to catch their attention by making a trustworthy title. 

Try to include numbers in your title because it that click-worthy factor and help users understand that your article will exactly give what they want.

Number boosts the value of your article. These types of articles don't use page to page things, it really annoys the user. Coming from my user perspective. 

You can rank very well in the GOOGLE SERP but what if they aren't clicking your website, soon you may lose the ranking too. And those catchy title makes your article more sharable.

So write a CATCHY TITLE for your blog posts.

2. Unique Ideas

So my suggestion is to Stand out from the Crowd, write the content from a Different Angle that most fails to see.

U in the CUSS method stands for Unique Ideas.

Do you really think that ordinary ideas that everyone uses are really wanted by users? If you say yes, then what's the point in writing those which already have been written by at least 100s of other bloggers. 

So my suggestion is to Stand out from the Crowd, write the content from a Different Angle that most fails to see. 

What you have to do is that Take time to research that topic, come up with new ideas that can't see by other bloggers. This will truly love by not only users but also by Google.

If you think you can't come up with new ideas quickly then follow the steps below,

  1. Choose your Article topic.
  2. Write down the immediate ideas that you can come up with.
  3. Take time to write down all your ideas even though it seems you can't write about them.
  4. Leave those first fast ideas that came up with then focus on researching those last new ideas and write with them.

Use free keyword research tools like Google Keyword PlannerUbersuggest, and many others to find long-tail keywords of your main topics and try to answer those queries. 

So write your articles with UNIQUE IDEAS.

3. Spreadable Medium

You should know when you want to make a blog viral then that means it should be spreadable by the users in the Social Medias and it should attract visitors from the social platform.

S in the CUSS method stands for Spreadable Medium.

You should know when you want to make a blog viral then means it should be spreadable by the users in the Social Medias and it should attract visitors from the social platform. You should make a target platform that should get the attention of the users.

That post can be spread like wildfire on Twitter, Facebook, or YouTube. You should keep in mind that social media will drive major traffic to your site. 

For example, if you write a website is about entertainment make sure you write a Unique article about a hero who has a massive fan base, share that article with one on Twitter and wait for the magic of their power. 

And in that article add the link to your other articles related to those actors or the same industry. It will also make users stay connected with your site and your social media account. 

Plan your article before writing it, make it SPREADABLE.

4. Six Hours Plus

It is the amount of time that you should spend in a blog post for writing it. Like I said in the earlier,, Research more before writing it. Spend more time in your blog post, it will surely pay off.

So the last S in the CUSS method stands for 6 Hours+.

It is the amount of time that you should spend in a blog post for writing it. Like I said earlier, Research more before writing it. Spend more time in your blog post, it will surely pay off. 

Find the difficulty of your keywords from Google SERP, find related keywords and long-tail keywords from Google Autocomplete then analyze how others wrote that topic and try to write an epic post that will surely get on the number 1 page on Google SERP.

You may feel like you want to quit by taking 6 hours for several articles continuously but in the long run, it will be the King of our traffic. 

People will love and recognize the writer's efforts in producing that helpful article. 

People like to have short answers with good resources and valid points to back up that. 

If you just focus on the short answers, people will just look at your blog post as just an answer site, and you also not get a good ranking on Google SERP because Google loves in-depth articles with the most relevant answers to user's questions. 

So spend 6+ hours making your content and read your blog post thoroughly before publishing it.

While wrapping up the technique, here's the infographic summing up the details about the CUSS Method.

Infographic explaining how to write viral blog posts


That's it, this "How to write a Viral blog post" using the CUSS Method

One thing before you guys bounce off, You may don't know what is Google's and reader's expectations from your content, so expect every article to go viral before publishing it. You should have hope but don't get obsessed about it. 

When I publish that article which got 2K+ social media traffic, it wasn't viral until it was 3 months old. Mostly everything requires trends to get viral. So be patient.

If you want to understand this in a better visual way then check out the YouTube video from Ricky and Jim's (Income School) in which they explain this CUSS Method with their real experience in this method. I got to know this method only by them.

Follow their YouTube Channel to know more about SEO and other blogging related videos.

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