Find Great Keywords using Google Autocomplete : Most Effective

Use Google AutoComplete to find Great Keywords and Long Tail Keywords : 1) Type term in search box, wait for autocomplete to show ......Read More

Every blogger at least once in his career used a keyword to find and analyze Keyword Research tools to find the related keywords and long-tail keywords. And many uses paid keywords for this purpose. But I am going to tell you guys "How to find Keywords without Keyword tools?".

Google won't give exact search volume for any terms to anyone. There are several big bloggers who said that their actual traffic to a page from a specific query is differing way more than the results shown in some keyword tools. Site Niche Bloggers Ricky and Jim also said this from their personal experience.

How Google Autocomplete Works

Google AutoComplete works on queries and their trends. It will show

  1. The Phrase that the user is typing.
  2. Past phrases that they searched for, under that similar phrase (if they're signed in Google).
  3. Finally, it suggests based on what most people are searching for, related to that term in the top and least searching for in the low. 

It's how Autocomplete works but one should understand that there are several factors like user's Geographical location even to the city level, term's Popularity, its freshness, and even your Language settings.

To know how Google Autocomplete works, see the below video. In which Ben Gomes (VP, Search Engineering) and Chris Haire (Product Manager, Autocomplete) from Google's search team does the WIRED Autocomplete Interview to answer people's most searched question on Google AutoComplete.

(If the embedded video is not working then find here)

Now you may get how Google Autocomplete works so I am going to explain how to use it to determine a keyword's search volume.

Find Great Keywords Using Google Autocomplete

1. Go to Google Search

2. Type the term in the search box. 

For example, I am searching for Google Adsense. shown in Fig - 2.1.

Type the term in the search box, Before you complete your sentence it will suggest you with their predicted queries related to yours.
Fig - 2.1

3. Before you complete your sentence it will suggest you with their predicted queries related to yours. 

You can see it from my example in fig - 2.1. I typed Google Adsense and it suggests some most searches queries related to the main phrase.

4. Now add a letter next to that main keyword and let Google Autocomplete show the long keywords associated with that letter to the term like in Fig - 2.2. And try with all other letters to find most common queries/keywords being searched by people in the google. 

Now add a letter next to that main keyword and let Google Autocomplete show the long keywords associated with that letter to the term
Fig - 2.2

5. To find long-tail keywords just add an * in front of the main keyword, just like in Fig - 2.3. It will show the most searched long-tail keywords of the main term you typed in the search box. 

You can from the example pic below that when I added an asterisk (*) it shows the main long-tail keywords related to Google Adsense. 

To find long-tail keywords just add an * in front of the main keyword, just like in Fig - 2.3. It will show the most searched long-tail keywords of the main term you typed in the search box.
Fig - 2.3

6. Another way to find long-tail keywords is that to add that asterisk (*) in between words, Google Autocomplete will suggest keywords related to the main keyword term and the word next to it as shown in Fig - 2.4.

From my example pic below, we can see that when I add an asterisk (*) in between main keyword "Google Adsense" and the next word "up", Google Autocomplete suggested to me with keywords related to both term "Google Adsense" and "up".

add that asterisk (*) in between words, Google Autocomplete will suggest keywords related to the main keyword term and the word next to it
Fig - 2.4

If you want to know how to find low competitive keywords without any keyword tools then


Thus this is the method to find great keywords and long-tail keywords of the main term. 

From this, I am not saying that all keyword tools don't give you the result but you can do the research all by yourself from Google itself. You don't have to spend your money on some tool from which you may yield a sufficient amount if you're just starting out. That's it, now it's all up to you.

If you want to know what's one of the best keyword tool or SEO tool then it's Ubersuggest, to know more about this then

Read: Ubersuggest - Best Keyword Tool: Review & Guide

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