How to make Money from Home Online - 5 Ways

Everybody wants to earn money for free, but only some actually lookup for it and work for it. Because they lack persistence and patience in it. There is no such as "No Investment  Income", it means only "No Money investment income". Every work wants investment which is "TIME".

Today I am going to share with you guys "How to make money online" with no or low investment. 

Here are "Top 5 ways to earn money online" based on my opinion. If you add Persistence with your passion, these methods will help you earn money online.

These methods I am going to share may not require money as an investment but it definitely requires time and your patience. 

I tell you that it's not going to give you money on its first month because these are all passive incomes, it needs time to nurture, grow, and then only it gives you money even after several years if your contents are relevant to those times.

How to make Money from Home Online

1. Blogging

First and my favorite way of making money is online is Blogging. You just choose your favorite topic and write about it. 

The most important in blogging that choosing the right "Niche" of your website because it plays an important role in the SEO of your website. 

You have a choose a niche and only write about it, for example, if you want to write about a "Food review" then focus only on that topic, don't write about some tech stuff and movie kinds of stuff on that same website. 

If your website has a good amount of articles and viewers, apply for Adsense, and monetize your website. You going to start earning from placing ads on your website. 

This is one of the most popular and legit ways of earning money online but it's also one of the ways that requires patience. 

2. YouTube

YouTube is the 2nd Biggest search Engine online after Google. It's the biggest entertainment site nowadays, almost every program on TV also runs on YouTube. 

The YouTube profession is the dream profession for most young Americans. It's also the biggest platform for advertising, then it's also the biggest platform to make money from it. 

All you have to do it, choose your favorite topic, and make your content and upload it regularly. Like in Blogging Niche is most important on YouTube. It plays a major role in attracting viewers and also for an algorithm to promote your videos. 

Once you start making videos for YouTube and cross YouTube's requirements for monetizing your videos, it'll start to get paid according to your videos and other kinds of stuff. 

Consistency plays a major role in surviving on YouTube. 

There are several stories where people like coming from a poor family and got rich because of YouTube like "Village Food Factory" and also many other Tech YouTubers, Food reviewers left their poor financial life and living a pretty good life because of YouTube. 

3. Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate Market is that you sell or promote one's products to people and get a commission from that. Affiliate Marketing is the easiest and most difficult way to earn huge money online. 

The easiest way is because you don't need a product to sell, all you have to promote other products but also most difficult is because selling or making someone buy a product online is difficult, it requires people's trust. 

Gaining people's trust online is most difficult. There are sites like "Amazon", "Snapdeal", "Flipkart" etc provide affiliate programs for people.

4. E-Books

Write your own E-Books and sell, some people nowadays prefer e-books over paper books because they don't have to carry a book with themselves everywhere, all you want is a phone and everyone has that.  

If you love making good writings then you should make a profit out of that. Books are all-time selling products, books that wrote in the 1950s are being brought by 2020 customers, books are evergreen products. 

If you wrote a book and publish it on on platform like "Amazon Kindle" and start getting money from it whenever someone buys that.

5. Selling Online Courses

If you have any specialized knowledge or skills or an expert at something and you love to teach people then' it's a great way to earn money from it. This is tutoring people online. 

In the real-world, you tutor someone by giving admission to them to your courses through money, just like that online too. 

You enroll someone into your online teaching hub and collects money from them for teaching stuff. Everybody knows not only education puts you into high-income jobs, but it also requires skills to get there and achieve there. 

If you are an expert in that field you can tutor people to achieve their goals and also be a mentor for many. This includes not only "Business" but also everything that people like to know for example you can sell online courses for "Fitness", "Sports", "Academics", "Skills" even "Karate" and many other activities. 

All you want is knowledge about that field and a platform to sell. 


Thus these are my top 5 ways to make money from home online, if you follow any of these methods with patience and passion definitely you're going to make money out of it.  

Remember everything takes time and you're going to get failures, so don't stop in midways work towards you and don't set money as a goal in these methods at starting starts. 

I want to lower your expectations of income from these for alt east 6 months or 1 year. These methods require not only content but also promotions, so don't forget to share your works on Social media. It will maximize the courage of your work. 

You can also promote your content with a small amount of cash on Social Media, it'll bring a lot of viewers to your work which may turn into regular customers. 

If you want to learn more about Blogging and SEO then I suggest you guys check out my following articles.

Read - 8 [Best] YouTube Alternatives where you can make a Living.

Stay connected with this website to receive tips about Blogging.

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Thank you, Have a nice day. 

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