8 [Best] YouTube Alternatives (with Pictures)

Best Youtube Alternative sites

Youtube is the second most popular website on the Internet in global engagement by "Alexa rank 90-day trend", it's the biggest platform to watch videos online for free where billions of videos, comments are uploaded in it on a daily basis. 

Basically, it's the monopoly in its Industry, so "Where would you go if YouTube died today", here are our Best YouTube Alternative for you to watch, upload videos, and even monetize it.

YouTube is not only well known for viewing entertainment online but also for Content creators, it provides opportunities for millions of people around the world to showcase their talents, monetize it with ads and provide 55% of that revenue to YouTube creators.

YouTube is more than a social media platform where people spend their time by scrolling feeds but also more like a giant Corporation that gives users chances to earn money from it by monetizing their videos with Google Adsense.

After seeing its huge success among people other huge social media like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and even TikTok are trying to enable ad monetization to creators and get revenue from it.

And now this is the High-time that people are looking for sites or apps similar to YouTube because of Ad Apocalypse, suspending accounts, more control over the content creators, complaints like limiting free speech and etc.

So here are some of the best YouTube alternative sites and YouTube alternative app

Best YouTube Alternatives

  1. Daily Motion
  2. Vimeo
  3. Meta Cafe
  4. Twitch
  5. Tik Tok
  6. Veoh
  7. Facebook
  8. Instagram

Let's see about these platforms in detail.

1. Daily Motion

Daily Motion is one of the popular video-sharing platforms which is more like YouTube starting from Layout and Interface. 

Daily Motion is ranked 215 in global engagement by Alexa

Its Homepage is made in a way to attract viewers' attention, it also shows Trending videos, categories and you can also search for videos from the search bar by tags and channels.

Why DailyMotion is a better YouTube Alternative :

There are several characteristics of DailyMotion which will be very interesting to you to consider this as one of YouTube's alternatives or even better than YouTube at some features. 

  • More Flexibility: YouTube is well known for its Copyright strikes but daily motion policies are not yet strict like YouTube and its owner is more tolerant than the former.
  • Better Quality: Daily motion provides viewers with a version of each video closer to the Original. Even when they can't compete with YouTube's quantity (daily uploads), they will give tough competition to them in videos' quality standards.


There are many video sharing platforms where Creators can't monetize their videos but here they can earn money from it by monetizing their videos with ads. 

Daily Motion app :

These are some valuable features for becoming one of YouTube alternatives. 

2. Vimeo

Vimeo is another popular video-sharing platform based in the United States which is mainly notable for creators, artists, and filmmakers who wanted to share their "Creative work".

This platform is a base for professionals in industries like Dance, Music, Photography, and Cinematography to showcase their work.

It doesn't comprise on the quality of videos that creators are uploading. 

Vimeo is ranked 164 in global engagement by Alexa.

Everything is categorized in its "Explore" tab and you can search for any video using their search bar.

Why Vimeo is a better YouTube Alternative :

  • Outstanding Quality: Vimeo provides videos without any compression which results in no loss of video quality but YouTube compresses their videos. However, on the free plan creators can only upload 200MB per week but on YouTube uploading size is unlimited.
  • Customizable Video URLs: Vimeo allows you to customize your video's URL as you do in your blog post which is not available on YouTube. 
  • Better Customer Service: Unlike some other media platforms, Vimeo provides extraordinary customer service. 
  • Customizable Video Interface: Vimeo allows uploaders to customize their video's layout, by this feature they can match the player to their Brand Identify like brand color which helps in enhancing content creators' brand authority. 
  • Customizable Privacy: One of the notable privacy features in Vimeo is that allows Content creators to make videos exclusively playable only on Creator's website, which helps in boosting traffic and conversion rate. 

Monetization :

Vimeo doesn't provide ad monetization but they provide other features like,
  1. Tip Jar - Allow viewers to donate money directly to creators
  2. Video on Demand - Exclusive video for pro members of creators.
  3. Affiliate - Earning money by joining the Vimeo affiliate program.
  4. Other services like sponsorships, Patreon and etc.

Since the platform is mainly for artists, it is very hard to find heartwarming videos like cats and dog videos that are widely found on YouTube.

Vimeo app :

3. MetaCafe

MetaCafe is a very old video sharing platform that is founded before YouTube but they aren't popular as the latter. However, they make sure all the videos uploaded are of high quality and maintain zero duplicates. This is something YouTube can't compete with Metacafe. 

It is specialized in offering Short length original videos of 90 seconds to the users.

Its homepage is very neatly organized that videos are categorized into different sections like sports, entertainment, movies, video games, TV, and news.

Metacafe is ranked 20,157 in global engagement by Alexa

Why Metacafe is a better YouTube Alternative :

  • Zero Duplicates: This is one of the biggest features in Metacafe for content creators, they make sure all the credits go to the original creators and get rid of garbage videos.
  • Short Videos: Metacafe is best suited for short videos (90 seconds) like How-to guides, vines, short clips of movies, TV series, comedy, podcasts and etc. 

Monetization :

There is a reward system in Metacafe that pays you 5$ for every 1000 views but for this, your video should reach 2000 views. 

Metacafe app :

4. Twitch

Twitch is well known around the world for its live streaming service especially in the gaming community, they also allow uploading recording videos. 

Nowadays twitch serves as a platform for creators to make an income out of their work and skills.

Even some of the big full-time YouTubers are running their own channel in Twitch. 

In Twitch, creators can upload their work, interact with the subscribers, and earn from subscription fees. All one requires is a camera, mic and good content to earn subscribers.

Twitch ranks 32 in global engagement by Alexa.

Why Twitch is a better YouTube Alternative :

  • Well Established: Pretty popular among people which many other video-sharing websites aren't.
  • Strict: They're very strict on banning people who try to disobey their community guidelines, Twitch users are not allowed to stream Adult content including Adult games. Twitch is famous for suspending and banning users even permanently. 
  • Emotes: Emotes are very popular in twitch, some are free to all users and others are exclusive to turbo users, twitch prime users.

These are some features in Twitch but there's a drawback in it which is that some Twitch users feel that it is biased in banning, suspending people, and banning users for no big reason. 

Monetization : 

  • The major income to twitch streamers is from Subscriptions, viewers can subscriber to streamers under different subscription levels ($4.99, $9.99, or $24.99) and the streamers divide that money 50/50 with Twitch, but once streamers reach a high level they can negotiate and increase their percentage.
  • Another major income from Twitch is that donations from viewers. 
  • Can earn money from becoming partnering with Twitch and joining their affiliate program.
  • Ad Monetization but it's not a major source of income to most streamers because viewers dislike viewing ads so streamers focus on other streams of income.

These are some in-twitch money-making options other than these major sources of income to Twitch streamers are Sponsorships, Affiliate marketing, selling their own merchandise, and Tournaments (gaming). 

5. TikTok

TikTok is the rising star, which is one of the most popular social media platforms around the world in recent years. It has been downloaded more than 1.5 BILLION times on Google Play Store and Apple Apps store.

TikTok is for short videos within 60 seconds (earlier it was only 15 seconds), it was first used to give lip-sync to the music but now it's developed any short video content like comedy, romance, short story, quick product ad,  how-to guides tips, drama and etc.

It was the most downloaded app on the Apple app store in both 2018 and 2019.

TikTok ranks 2017 in global engagement by Alexa and it keeps rising day by day.

Why TikTok is a better YouTube Alternative :

  • Best for Short Videos: In TikTok, the video length is 60 seconds which is good for short comedies. vines, Dubsmash, Ads, promotion, clips of movies, series, podcasts and etc. They think allowing longer videos affect viewers' mentality over the app. 
  • Huge Audience: It's the most downloaded app on the Apple app store in 2018 and 2019. It has a more active audience than most of the huge social platforms and it's still growing.
  • Popularity: Unlike most other YouTube alternatives, TikTok is widely popular and used by most countries. 
  • Simple User Experience: Uploading videos in TikTok is way less complicated than YouTube, you don't have to work with Meta descriptions, tags, thumbnails, licenses, and etc.

But some people fear that TikTok is collecting users' data since it was the Chinese company's app.

Monetization :

So far there's not any ad monetization for its creators but they working on making it as a platform for creators like YouTube. 

But there are other ways to earn from it like,
  1. Affiliate Marketing
  2. Brand Partnership
  3. Sponsored Video

Tip: If you're famous and have millions on TikTok then you can earn money by using other people's audio like sponsorship or promotion to their audio or music. 

TikTok app :

6. Veoh

Veoh is just like YouTube where you can spend you can time watching videos of any length, it has no limit on uploading video's length. It is a well-suited site for watching movies and even music, therefore it's a perfect alternative to YouTube for both music and video.

You can find several movies, TV series, music videos, and even anime on this site. 

Veoh ranks 31,643 in global engagement by Alexa.

Why Veoh is a better YouTube Alternative :

  • Unlimited Video Length: Veoh allows you to upload videos of any length which is a major advantage over other YouTube alternatives.
  • More like Social Media: Veoh is a perfect cross of Video sharing platform and social media because it allows users to connect with other users, join groups, and chat with their friends. 
  • Easier Work: It easier and quicker to upload and watch longer videos.
  • Video Embedding: Just like YouTube videos in Veoh can be embedded in websites.

Monetization :

I don't find any details about the availability of ad monetization on Veoh. You can earn by affiliate marketing, sponsorships, partnership with brands but you have to be famous in Veoh which is quite tough because there are many viewers compared to YouTube. 

In my opinion, Veoh can be a good alternative to YouTube for viewers but not for content creators.

Veoh app :

7. Facebook

You probably think how in the hell Facebook can be an alternative to YouTube, trust me Facebook is the Guru of all social media, they are constantly evolving to the users' interest over time.

There are several social media come and go but Facebook is not like that. it keeps surviving.

 Even I wasn't aware that Facebook can be used as a video-sharing platform other than for finding friends, chats, groups, pages, and interests.

Mostly every YouTube creators and celebrities have a Facebook page and they share the clips of their videos on it and post exclusive content, go live (which is easier than on YouTube). 

Uploading videos is easier and they provide options like optimizing tags, thumbnails, and even Meta Descriptions

However if YouTube died today, Facebook may not be the best alternative but they're working towards that and they can be in the near future.

Facebook ranks 4 in global engagement by Alexa.

Why Facebook is better YouTube Alternative :

  • Well Established: Facebook has been a part of most people's lives, so creators don't have to wait for viewers to switch to Facebook from YouTube. All they have to do it capture the right audience and convert them into subscribers.
  • Excellent Tools: Facebook provides excellent tools for creators, they have amazing Ad service which also one of the low-cost services which are very useful. They even have a marketplace within the platform. 
  • Variety of Videos: Facebook is for all types of videos irrespective of their length.
  • Relevant Content: Facebook search displays quick and relevant content to the users.
  • Ad Revenue Share: Ad Revenue share between creators and the website is the same as YouTube, 55% to the creators, and 45% to Facebook.
Monetization :

Facebook slowly updating itself from just a social network to a platform for creators like YouTube. 

Like YouTube, they started Ad Monetization for Creators, 

1. In-Stream Ads: Facebook page owners can monetize their videos with In-Stream ads after passing the eligible requirements. 
The Eligible requirements are,

  • The Page should have at least 10,000 fans.
  • Videos should be at least 3 minutes long. 
  • Videos should be posted on the page, not in their profile. 
  • Meet their Partner monetization policies. 
  • Should have at least 30,000+ 1 Minute views in the last 60 days.
  • Be in an available Location and Language. 

Ad revenue share will be shared between creators and Facebook (55% to the creators and 45% to Facebook).

2. Fan Subscriptions: Currently only invited members are eligible for this service.

3. You can earn by tagging branded content (business partner)

Check out their eligibility requirements

These are monetization provided by Facebook for its creators other than that one can earn from Facebook by Affiliate Marketing, sponsored posts, driving traffic to their website or YouTube channel, Private groups and etc. 

So Facebook is seriously working on competing with YouTube for the content creators, unlike most other YouTube alternatives. 

But currently, you can't compare Facebook with YouTube which looks unshakable. 

8. Instagram

Instagram is another social media platform that is mainly used to share photos and 1-minute videos (especially for users to share their lifestyle) can become one of the alternatives of YouTube and you probably think how. 

Let's see how Instagram can be the best alternative to YouTube.

Since Instagram is already smartly utilized as a marketing platform by Influencers, they working on to level up the app as a platform for creators where they earn money from monetizing their content (Videos).

Now you may think about how they can monetize a 1 Minute video post, they aren't going monetize your video post but they're working on monetizing IGTV (Instagram TV) which you may already know. 

Users can upload videos up to 10 minutes long with file size up to 650MB (for normal users) and 1hr long with file size up to 5.4GB (for popular and verified users) in IGTV.

 Instagram monetize with ads and share the ad revenue as 45% to Instagram and 55% to the creators just like YouTube and Facebook.

Instagram ranks 30 in global engagement by Alexa.

Why Instagram is a better YouTube Alternative :

  • Popularity: Since Instagram is widely popular all over, people don't have to look for a newly created alternative and nowadays mostly everyone has Instagram accounts so influencers don't have to wait for another new social media.
  • Well Established: It receives over 1 Billion monthly active users and they're filled with Influencers who are like hawks on digital marketing, already making thousands of dollars from selling their brand, sponsorships, brand partnership, affiliate marketing. So it's not tough to drive creators and viewers to Instagram if YouTube dies.
  • Vision and Growth: They have a good vision to make Instagram a platform for creators and Influencers so there can be cash flow between users and creators which will only enhance the use of the platform. This possible growth can improve the lives of millions of users (possible creators) and it also benefits the platform.
  • Convenience: IGTV is the main role in Instagram becoming a platform for creators, it was added perfectly on Instagram. Even though they have a separate app for IGTV, they allow users to watch IGTV videos on Instagram itself, which saves from losing users by making them switch between Instagram and IGTV.

One thing that bothers me is that videos are played in Vertical since most of YouTube users don't like videos in vertical mode (including me), I don't know whether they're going to allow Horizontal mode for people interest or make users stick to vertical mode (by this they make lose some huge viewers).

Monetization :

Instagram is working on monetizing IGTV, they confirmed that it's reaching out to a group of selected creators and inviting them into the initial test of in-stream ads on their IGTV videos.

As reported by Bloomberg article:

"Instagram started reaching out to its top video creators last Friday, asking them to partner on ad tests. Those in the program will receive a 55% share of all advertising in IGTV, the same rate as YouTube, according to people familiar with the matter. The company will start testing the ads this spring." 

So in the future, you can see creators make their living by earning from Instagram. 

But for now, you can use your fan following to drive traffic to your website, sell affiliate links, sponsored posts, brand partnerships, and even sell on Instagram.

Instagram app :

Instagram TV (IGTV) app :

Thus these are the potential best youtube alternatives.

Most of them in this list is YouTube alternative with Monetization and some of them are planning to provide that option in near future.

Why you should look for YouTube Alternatives

You may have a doubt, "why I should look for a YouTube alternative", for clearing your doubt I am going to give you several reasons for it.

  • Data is Everything: In this modern world data is everything, it's power, money, and a lot more. Google is already a part of life, to be fair we're dependent too much on it for several things that cost us data (information about us). Mostly everything on the internet collects cookies and tracks us our record, Google too, so if we rely mostly on one thing (which is not in our control) then we're giving more information about us to them. They share data with their partners and most of them share your data in "special circumstances" like when they required by law to fight crime or fraud.
  • Actions on Accounts: YouTube is sometimes known for frequent demonetizing certain videos, suspending accounts, infamous DCMA takedown and etc. Since they don't have big competitors, sometimes users have to bear the actions taking upon their accounts.
  • Ad Apocalypse: When ad apocalypse happened on YouTube, it affects most small YouTube creators. It made hard requirements to get approved for monetization. On one hand, it helps established and rising YouTubers but on the other hand, new content creators find it difficult to meet those requirements. 
  • Censoring Free Speech?: There are several complaints from people (especially from conservatives) that YouTube is curbing or censoring their freedom of speech. So they're fed up with YouTube and they're looking for YouTube's biggest competitors to shift.  

These are some major reasons for you to look for YouTube alternatives before any of the above reasons happen to you. 


Now you know all major platforms which have huge potential to replace YouTube in the near future. 

But I have to say that these platforms can't compete directly with YouTube (for now) because YouTube had a good vision (becoming more than a social media platform to provide a career to millions of people around the world) and they implemented it well before anyone executed to their level. 

So it takes time to become a worthy rival to YouTube in most aspects. 

And every platform has its unique advantages and features over others.

For now, focus on trying everything to find your best YouTube alternative and work on it. 

If you want to learn more about earning with your YouTube channel then you should check out my following blog posts which will definitely help you.

If you know any other alternatives please share them in the comments section.

Stay connected with this website to receive tips about YouTube.

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Thank you, Have a nice day.

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