Who doesn't love YouTube, it's the second-largest search engine in the world after Google. There are many people who really want to become a professional YouTuber.
An interesting study from Toymaker LEGO reveals that 1/3 of Kids between 8 - 12 age aspire to become a YouTuber or Vlogger. source
And another study found that 29% of 100 kids in the US and 30% in the UK want to become a Vlogger or YouTuber. source
Even though money is may not be a factor in those kid's dream but money places a major role in every YouTuber's career. The major source of most YouTuber's income may come from Google Adsense associated with their website. So there're many other ways to earn from YouTube apart from Adsense, if you want to know about that then read: How to earn from YouTube.
So without further ado, let's right jump into some of the most common questions regarding Google Adsense for YouTube.
1. What is Google Adsense?
Google Adsense is a program run by Google which provides ads to both website publishers and YouTubers to publish those ads in their platform and get paid for that. The ads are administered by Google Adwords.
2. Is Google Adsense Free?
Yes, It's absolutely free for everyone but one should fulfill its requirements to get participate in it and earn money from it. It has different criteria for Bloggers and YouTubers.
3. What are YouTube Monetization rules?
YouTube needs some requirements from your channel to fulfill before they monetize your channel, which are
- Have at least 1,000 subscribers
- Have at least 4,000 hours of watch time within the past 12 months
These are two basic requirements from YouTube in order to monetize your Channel. And also make your channel and your videos follow YouTube Partner Program policies, YouTube Terms of Service, YouTube spam policies, and Community Guidelines.
4. How to earn from YouTube?
Step 1: Sign up to YouTube.
Step 2: Create a Channel.
Step 3: Monetize your Channel.
This is a straightforward answer, to know in-depth read form here.
5. How to Setup Google Adsense on YouTube?
1) Go to your YouTube Channel's Creator Studio or use this link.
2) Select Settings from the left navigation panel.
3) Now Settings page pop-ups, in which select Channel menu from its left side menu.
4) From the main page of the Channel section, scroll down to the last and select Status & Features external link menu to access the additional features of your channel.
5) In that Status and Features page, you can various features of your channel, from which find Monetization menu and enable it after confirming with their Terms and Conditions (you can enable it only after your channel is eligible for monetization).
6) After enabling it, go back to that Monetization page and select Monetization Settings and find Link Adsense to your channel. Remember that only linking your channel with AdSense going to monetize your channel and may get money from it.
Thus this is the method to set up Google Adsense on your YouTube channel.
6. How to Monetize a YouTube Channel?
You can monetize your YouTube Channel by the following programs,
1) Monetize with Google Adsense
2) Monetize with Affiliate programs like Amazon Affiliates, Snapdeal, and several other programs according to your channel Niche.
3) Get Sponsors to your videos.
4) Sell your own stuff by building a large and trusted audience.
5) Sell your Ebooks, Online Coaching Membership and Brand, etc.
6) Drive your channel traffic to your website to boost Adsense revenue.
These are some common ways to monetize your YouTube Channel.
7. How much Adsense Pay on YouTube?
1) Google pays 68% of its AdSense revenue, so for every $100 an advertiser pays, 68$ will be paid to publisher by Google.
2) The actual rates an advertiser pays varies, usually between $0.10 to $0.30 per view, but averages out at $0.18 per view.
3) On Average, a YouTube channel can receive $18 per 1,000 ad views. This equates to $3 - $5 per 1000 video views. (source to these three points)
8. How to withdraw money from YouTube Channel?
Money from your Youtube channel will be in your Adsense Account, so
1) Sign in to your Google Adsense account.
2) Select Payments from the left navigation menu of the Homepage.
3) In the Adsense's Payments page, you should fill your bank details in the "How you get paid" section of that page by clicking the "Add Payment Method".
4) Click Save Changes.
5) Wait for a week to receive a test deposit in your account from Google.
6) After that sign in to your Google Adsense account, select "Payments" and "Payment Setting".
7) In the Payment's settings page, select "Verify Test Deposit" and the exact test amount you received and click "Save Changes".
8) It will verify your account and it will automatically send money to your account once your Adsense balances fulfill its minimum threshold of 100$.
Thus these are the things that you should know about Google Adsense with YouTube.
If you want to know "How to get Adsense Approval" then read: 10 things should have to get Adsense approval for new Website.
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