7 [Easy] steps to Update Sitemap in Google Search Console

how to update sitemap in google search console

We all know how important the Sitemap is in the SEO and  Google ranking factors

We should make sure that it gets updated after submitting the sitemap to Google Search Console. The sitemap is the list of pages on your website. 

But many people don't know "How to update sitemap in Google Search Console", so I am going to explain that process in a step by step manner with illustrated guides.

How to update Sitemap in Google Search Console

Step 2 - Choose the website for which you want to update sitemaps from the top of the left sidebar by dropping down the arrow as shown in Fig 2

This is for people with multiple websites associated with their Google Search Console account, if you have only one website then you don't have to do that.

Fig 2

Step 3 - From the left navigation menu choose Sitemaps like in Fig 3.

Fig 3

Step 4 - Now the Sitemaps section appears on the main page, from which you can find two sections "Add a new sitemap" and "Submitted sitemaps". 

In Submitted sitemaps, you can find your website's sitemap which you added to it and from Fig 4 you can see that my sitemaps, https://techsmp.blogspot.com/sitemap.xml have 13 URLs and https://techsmp.blogspot.com/atom.xml have 14 URLs so far. 

Fig 4

Step 5 - To update it, you have a type or paste your sitemap's link in Add a new sitemap section and click Submit, like in Fig 4.

Step 6 - After submitting it will update your sitemap within a minute and from Fig 5 you can see that both my sitemaps have been updated after submitting both. 

Fig 5

Step 7 - You can find when it's updated from the dates of the Submitted and Last Read column. After its update dates in both columns will be the same, as shown in Fig 5.

Thus this the procedure to Update Sitemap in Google Search Console

Many people have questions regarding updating sitemaps. So I am going to answer those questions.


1. How often sitemap should be updated?

The sitemap automatically gets updated regularly in GSC after your submission

Google automatically Crawl your website for both new content and old post but for new websites. Google takes a couple of days to a couple of weeks, so if you want to update it you can use Google Search Console to submit crawlers to crawl your post. It's always best to be updated.

2. How to Add Sitemap to Google Search Console?

3. How to Generate Sitemap for Google Blogger?


I hope you guys learned How to update the sitemap today.

If you want to learn more about Blogging and SEO then I suggest you guys check out my following articles.

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