How to Write a Good Blog Post - 8 (Amazing) Tips

A Good Blog post can make the readers come back to your website, again and again, most people think they know how to write a good blog post but they don't get a good amount of traffic, it's because of what they think about "Good Blog post" is wrong. 

And some don't know "How to write a Blog Post".

A Good blog post must make an impact on the readers, whether they answer readers' queries, inspire readers to do something, or convey the story in the most pleasurable way.

So today I am going to write about 8 Crucial Tips for writing a blog post.

8 Tips for Writing a Good Blog Post

  1. Catchy Title
  2. Make it Conversational 
  3. Use Subheadings
  4. Paragraph Length
  5. Conclusion Part
  6. Use Citations
  7. Use Medias
  8. Provide In-Depth Content

These are some of the most important aspects that new bloggers should practice while writing their blog posts.

Now let's see about each tip in detail.

1. Catchy Title

Catchy Title is the first and foremost step in attracting readers from Google to your site, without a good title no matter how good your content it has fewer chances of getting clicked by the users. 

Do you know that

8 out of 10 users will read the tile but only 2 out of 10 users clicks the article. [source]

 This is the level of hardness to get a click from the users. If you don't have a good headline then how you're going to attract the readers from Google SERP.

Titles are the face of your blog post, no matter how much we decline that we humans most times we attract to someone's face likewise no matter how much you say that you produce awesome content your blog post can't achieve its full traffic without a Catchy Title.

Tip - Use numbers in your blog post title which not only makes users click to your site but also places on SEO factors. 

For example, if your blog post is about how to make Chichen Briyani then don't write the title as "How to make chicken Briyani" way, it's the most used way. Answering a query with having the query as the title instead of that name it as "10 Steps to make Tastiest Chicken Briyani".

By having titles like those it tells clearly that your blog post has the exact steps in delivering the answer.

Keep the Title short

A tile should be short and effective which should make readers be curious about your blog post. For better, make them guess about your article and increase their curiosity.

For example, Develop their curiosity by including some unresistible words in your title. Name it "Recipe of Tastiest Dindigul Briyani" instead of "Dindigul Briyani Recipe".

Warning: Don't use clickbait as Title, it will only harm the reputation and trustworthiness of your blog post.

2. Make it Conversational

Carry your writing like a conversation with the readers, use words like "you" and "I" to describe the readers and yourself.

Make it like you're talking to them because people will get bored when it looks like a theory or lecture class.

Even look at this article, I am talking to you guys. I don't write articles like a drought theory without engaging with you guys. If you do it like this then it will keep your readers connected with your article throughout the end.

It will make your readers engage, read, and respond to your blog post.

3. Use Subheadings

SubHeadings are another key factor in your blog post, it also a major factor in SEO and getting in "Featured Snippets".

Subheadings will inform your visitors that what topics you're covering and making them jump to the topic that they're looking for in your blog post. It is cutting sections of chicken meat and making the customers to choose whether the Breast, Wings, Legs, or Thighs they want from it.

Subheadings are just like that cutting your blog post into sections, providing all, and making the readers read what section they want.

It plays in ranking factors because a blog post with subheadings will look like word vomit, the whole article will get a serious impact from it. Readers don't like reading 2500 words articles without subheadings.

Tip - Use Minor Headings to answers queries and providing some other extra valuable information. 

So make sure you use subheadings for every your meaty articles. 

4. Paragraph Length

The length of your paragraph is another user experience factor like I said that users don't like reading a lot continuously, so if you write a paragraph with more than 5 or 6 lines then it will make them hard to focus on continuing to read your whole blog post. 

So try to keep your paragraphs within 3 or 4 lines it will keep your visitors engaged with your blog post. 

I always try to keep my paragraphs short to 3 lines. See the above subheadings whether any of the lengths of my paragraphs to 6 lines?

Tip - High length paragraph even affects users' interest in your article at a high level when they visit your website from their mobile devices. 

Because in mobile devices the paragraphs will be scaled down which will increase the length of the paragraphs. You can even finish paragraphs with 1 or 2 lines. 

5. Conclusion Part

Use the conclusion section in the end to state your final opinion, to deliver effective results, and to summarise your whole article. 

Some readers will directly jump into the conclusion part and read from it and move up to the subheading which they looking for. 

So make your conclusion part in long articles a necessary one which should tell about your article in a short manner and it makes users engage with your article in the comments section.

Tip - Ask about the readers' opinions in the end and ask them to comment if they had any doubts. 

6. Use Citations

Citation is that reference to the source of the stats, facts, or any other information that you use on your article from others. 

When you add stats in your article don't forget to link the source of those stats in your article, because without citations your stats may look like made-up ones. 

The citations will improve your SEO part because it makes your article more trustworthy when took it from good and trusted sources. It will help your website's E.A.T in the longer one. 

Tip - When you're using your own stats that you collected and made by yourself or by your team then add that source whether it's excel data, table, PDF, or even word, and attach with that stats. 

7. Use Media

Do you prefer reading a rough article filled with words or watch them in a visual way? Almost everyone will prefer the second because it will keep us focused, occupied, and not let us bored but reading very long articles will definitely make us bored. 

So that's why you should add media whether it's an image or video or infographic to keep your readers engaged with your article throughout the end. 

Provide cover images because it will help the users to click on your site when you're sharing it on your social media like Facebook, Pinterest, or Twitter. 

Tip - Provide stats in a visual Infographic image to make your readers understand your stats better and it will be easier to share. 

8. Provide In-Depth Content 

Everybody loves short and sweet answers including myself but an article should contain short and sweet answers along with an in-depth explanation of it. 

Blog length plays one of the key factors in Google SEO ranking, it prefers not longer articles but in-depth blog posts.

When you're writing a very small topic, cover subjects around that and add FAQs in those topics. Create that blog post like an entire guide to that small topic. Then it will ace the Google ranking, not for that specific query but also possibly for related queries. 

Use free keyword research tools like Google Keyword Planner, Ubersuggest, and many others to find long-tail keywords of your main topics and try to answer those queries. 

Tip - To create in-depth content then try to answer people's related questions regarding your main keyword in the Google SERP's "Related Searches" and "People also ask" categories. 

So now you know the best tips for writing a good blog post, let's see What makes a blog post a Good one.

What makes a Good Blog Post

Most people in their early stages thought that using big synonyms for small words makes it awesome, even I thought that it would make readers more interested in my blog post but later finds out how to write a good blog post. 

There are several factors in writing a good blog post that will rank higher in Google and bring traffic to your website. Some of them are

  • Title
  • Introduction
  • Making readers connect with the article
  • Short answer with in-depth details and examples
  • Subtitles
  • Paragraph presentation
  • Minor Headings
  • Answering possible queries
  • Conclusion

These are some known factors in making a blog post a good one. 


These are the 8 most important factors that you should know and follow when you're writing a blog post for your article.

These tips are not just tips that can't be followed, these tips can be followed easily even by new writers, just look at this article I have followed all those 8 tips that I shared with you guys. 

I am following it and it provided me with good results, SEO expert and Digital Marketer "Neil Patel" shared most of these tips. 

You can follow these tips in each and every single one of your blog posts. It will not only pay off to your articles but also to your entire website. 

Stay connected with this website to receive tips about Blogging.

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Thank you, Have a nice day.

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