How to Grow YouTube Channel Fast - 5 (Major) Tips

According to a survey of 3000 kids, 29% of kids in America dreams to become a YouTuber or vlogger than becoming an astronaut.

Now think this for teenagers and some youths, everybody in this Internet world at least once dream of becoming a famous YouTube star like Pewdiepie but many fall out from their dream even before their first success in this rapidly growing platform.

They want to achieve massive subscribers within a short period of time but they don't know how to do that. So that's why I am going to write "How to grow a YouTube Channel Fast", I hope this helps some people to continue on their journey. 

5 Tips to Grow a YouTube Channel Fast

  1. Be Specific on Niche
  2. Trust the Process
  3. Provide Quality Content
  4. Deliver Quality Video
  5. Build a Brand with Audience Base

These are the five major tips from me that new YouTubers should learn for growing their YouTube channel fast when they're just starting out.

Read Here: How to Make Money from YouTube

Now let's see about those 5 crucial tips in detail.

1. Be Specific on Niche

When you first starting out a YouTube channel, you have to be specific about the group of people for whom you want to create content. Don't just post random videos on your channel and expect to get good continuity on views. 

For example, If you're really into Gaming then post only gaming videos on your channel and don't post any movie, music, or any other videos which aren't related to gaming because people will click the next video related while they're watching one of your videos. 

And YouTube recommends the gaming videos to him, so if you just post many other random videos then how youtube going to recommend your videos to him. 

If your YouTube Channel is specific on Niche then it has a higher chance of getting recommend to suggested users than channels without a niche, which will improve your views, watch time, and especially your video Rankings. 

So Be specific on Niche. 

2. Trust the Process

One of the biggest reasons for people leaving YouTube careers is their impatience. 

Many people think that any video can get viral and that will lead to earning subscribers but when they come to this platform as a creator they found out that being a creator in YouTube really requires Effort, Time, and Patience. So come up with a winning mentality with being persistent because success needs persistence. 

Pewdiepie, the highest subscribed YouTube content creator uploaded a video every single day without any fail for almost 10 years. It is one of the reasons for his success. 

Even I uploaded a video on my channel (not into youtube but want to publish that) and didn't get a good number of views for a year but afterward, it started to bloom. I published the video on May 17, 2018, now it has more than 29,000 views and it earned me 25+ subscribers even though there is no other video on my channel.

So trust the process and be patient. 

3. Provide Quality Content

One of the ways to grow a YouTube channel faster is by publishing Quality videos, a channel without quality content is like a building without a basement, one can predict when it will collapse. The quality of your content speaks about your channel when you're publishing videos without doing some basic research, it will be a drag to your channel growth and it will hurt your channel in the longer run.

So to improve your content do some extra research on it and to improve the quality of your channel. 

4. Deliver Quality Video 

Everyone knows how important is the presentation in the work, we always had a guy in our school or college days who do amazing work in his/her work but still get average marks because of his awful presentation. So do a little bit of work to improve the quality of your videos. 

Tips to Improve Quality of Video:

A) Lighting: The quality of video visual is vital, to improve that be good in using the lightings on your video, you don't need to spend a large amount on it. Optimize the natural light in your room and adjust the camera position according to that. Videos don't have to 4K, all you need is better lighting with medium quality. 

B) Audio: We don't love videos that have crappy audio or high noise disturbance, people give importance to sounds just like visuals. So make sure your system records clearly and you're in the noiseless area. If your mobile recording then buys a cheap mick from Amazon or something, which is enough to improve your audio when you're just starting out. 

C) Backdrop: Coming to visuals but now it's about the background of your recordings, pick a clean,c calm, and no disturbance place to capture your videos and decorate it according to your channel. For example, If you're creating informative content then paste new papers or magazines on your background wall. Your Background should tell people about your videos. 

D) Editing: It is the final factor when it comes to quality video, Editing leave a good impression on the users about your video even you may lack in any one of the video quality factors. You don't need a professional editor to do the part when you're starting out and when you have sufficient to publish your videos. You can do that in both Desktop/Laptop and Mobile, all that needs is some good application to do that. For Android mobiles, I would recommend the Kinemaster app for video editing.  

Thus follow these four things to improve the quality of your videos. 

5. Build a Brand with Audience Base

One can't be consistent in getting subscribers and views without building one follower's base. Every channel requires regular audiences who keep visiting that channel and viewing their videos. Creators should create a brand in their category to attract visitors. 

For example, when it's come to PUBG, Shroud established a fan base for his gaming skills in it likewise Ninja in Fortnite. Just like that, one should establish the brand in the category. You shouldn't have to number one but you have to come under "One of the Good" in your category. 

Build your audience base by Interacting with your subscribers and people who comment on your videos and also on your social media. Reply to them, answer their questions, and make interacting with them in your comments section.

Convert the viewers to subscribe to your channel and like, comment, and share your videos. Make them your fans like movie actors, YouTube is a platform like the cine industry or any other industry, it will get you success, money, fame, and many other things if you have large and loyal followers. 

So, build your Brand with your Fans. 


So these are the major 5 tips that one should now and follow in order to Grow a YouTube Channel Fast.

Many will tell that there are many other factors but these 5 tips that all the new YouTube content creator needs to know. There many other factors that one should know but those can be learned while you're in the process of getting money from YouTube. 

All these 5 tips require your full effort and love to get your desired results.

Persistence is one of the Keys to Success.  

If you any questions on earning from YouTube then 

Read - Everything about Google Adsense for YouTube: 8 FAQs Answered

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Thank you, Have a nice day.

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  1. Hello! Noticed you've posted such informative and helpful post, thanks for sharing. I've been trying to grow my youtube channel and hoping to get at least my first 100 subscribers. So psyched to share my journey :)
